Get to Know Blue Bear

Get to Know Blue Bear

Get to Know Blue Bear

How well do you know Blue Bear? Here’s a not-so-secret secret: Blue Bear likes being a healthy, happy bear. That’s why he eats his vegetables — even the green ones. He wears his helmet to protect his big brain. He brushes his teeth twice a day!

Doing all these things help keep Blue Bear strong so he has the energy to do all the things he loves like running, jumping and playing.

Just as important, Blue Bear wants all his friends — especially his human friends — to be strong and healthy so they can have lots of fun, too.

Blue Bear Cares About You

It’s true. That’s why he encourages friends like you to:

  • Eat your fruits and vegetables
  • Brush your teeth twice a day
  • Wear your helmet when you ride a bike
  • Buckle your seat belt when you get in the car

He may not talk much, but Blue Bear is quick to give his friends a big hug. With lots of love, he fur sure shares the importance of healthy living, staying safe and helping others.

You might see him doing one of his favorite things: riding in the Care Van. The van takes him to lots of neighborhoods so he can encourage kids to get vaccines that protect them. Blue Bear thinks sharing health and wellness info with kids is the most important thing he can do. Find out more about the Care Van® Program and learn why he loves it so much.

Blue Bear Fun Facts
From:   Land of Blue
Favorite Color:   Green. Just kidding. It's blue!
Favorite Food:   Blueberry Muffins (but not too many!)
Favorite Phrase:     Nothing is im-paws-ible.
Shoe Size:   14
Favorite Exercise:   Playing football, baseball, basketball and soccer. He’s an active bear!
Blue Bear’s Big Tip

Visit your doctor every year and get all your vaccines.

Originally published 9/3/2015; Revised 2022, 2024