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For continuous coverage, it's important to pay your premium on time. Watch as Joseph learns about his options to pay for his health coverage.
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Originally published 12/11/2020; Video Revised 6/2023
JOSEPH: Hi! My name is Joseph and today I'm meeting with the Blue Cross and Blue Shield customer advocate to talk premium payment options. I'm a little confused on paying my premium. What are my options?
BCBS ADVOCATE: To make a payment you can log into your Blue Access for Members account and use your debit card to make a payment. You then click on the Billing and Payments section to begin your payment.
JOSEPH: Okay, that's convenient. What if I want to use cash or a money order instead? Is that possible?
BCBS ADVOCATE: Both are accepted. If you're using a money order make it out to Blue Cross and Blue Shield. You can also use a MoneyGram to send cash. Our website provides more information about both methods.
JOSEPH: Okay, thank you. I'll research which payment option works best for me.
BCBS ADVOCATE: Glad I could help.
SPEAKER: For more information call the number on your member ID card or visit our website at
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois, a Division of Health Care Service Corporation,
a Mutual Legal Reserve Company, an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association
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