Hello. I will be starting a job which offers BCBSIL. I will be living full time in Oregon. I was told that since I’ll be living out of state, I will not have “access” to Tier 1 providers, so any provider I see will be considered Tier 1. Is this correct?

Hello. I will be starting a job which offers BCBSIL. I will be living full time in Oregon. I was told that since I’ll be living out of state, I will not have “access” to Tier 1 providers, so any provider I see will be considered Tier 1. Is this correct?

Parents Reply
  • Again, what is there to verify if you have the exact plan? What other variable is there that would determine Yes, a person living out of state defaults to Tier 1, or No, they do not? Are you saying that, for example, employer X based in Illinois, who employs 51 people who live out of state and all have plan MIBCO1201, May be covered at Tier 1 - however employer Y, also based in Illinois who also employs 51 people who live out of state, and all have plan MIBCO1201, are NOT covered at Tier 1? Please explain what the specific circumstances are that determine if a BCBSIL member living outside Illinois will default to Tier 1
