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No matter which Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois (BCBSIL) health plan you select, you’ll have many providers to choose from — including a trusted network of OB-GYN physicians. With a large number of Illinois doctors and hospitals in our networks, chances are very good that your current health care providers are part of our network.
Before choosing a plan, check Provider Finder® to see if the doctor or OB-GYN you’d like to use is a part of the health insurance plan you’d like to buy.
To find a plan that’s right for you, shop Plans and Products. All plans have similar benefits, and all include essential health benefits and preventive services for women. They differ in the way costs of benefits are applied.
Women’s Preventive Services
Our health plans cover the following recommended screenings and preventive services for women with no out-of-pocket costs — as long as you visit a doctor in your health plan's provider network. Finding a doctor that provides these screenings and services should be no problem, since BCBSIL has the largest network of doctors in the state.
As you can see, so much is covered by your health insurance plan when you use an in-network provider — even manual and electric breast pumps. When you become a member, call the number on the back of your member ID card for more details. A Customer Advocate will work through the details about which pumps are covered and how you can get your pump.
And if pregnancy isn’t for you right now, more than 20 different contraceptives are covered by your health plan, including birth control pills, injections, patches and well-woman check-ups. Prescription coverage for contraceptives may vary according to the terms and conditions of the plan and prescription drug list.
See the full women’s preventive contraceptive list.
Your health plan offers educational tools, outreach and health support. Here’s a few programs you’ll have access to:
Fitness Program
Regular exercise is an important part of healthy living. With the Fitness Program, members and their covered dependents (age 18 and older) are eligible to participate. They’ll receive a flexible membership that grants access to fitness centers nationwide. The fitness program is available to HMO and PPO members.
Well onTarget®
Get the tools and support you need, plus rewards for making healthy choices. Gain access to a convenient, members-only website that includes a health assessment, interactive tools, educational information and health tips. There’s even a points-based reward program. Well onTarget® is available to HMO and PPO members.
With your membership, you have access to a variety of products and services. These benefits include health management tools and resources to help you stay well and protect your health.
Customer Advocates
Our customer service centers offer a customized, personalized experience. Our experienced service staff is truly empowered to serve as your advocates. They will help you navigate the health care insurance process and understand your benefits.
Customer Advocates try their best to make each call fast and simple. Once you select a plan and receive your ID card in the mail, you’ll see the customer service number on the back of your card.
Blue Access for MembersSM (BAM)
BAM is a secure member portal that gives you confidential 24/7 access to information about your insurance plan. You can check to see if claims have been finalized, sign up for alerts, print a temporary ID card, view up to 18 months of claim history and more. We know you're often on the go. So you can access your BAM account anywhere by downloading our free BCBSIL mobile app today from the Apple App Store or Google Play.
Or download the app by texting* BCBSILAPP to 33633.
Blue365® Member Discount
With the Blue365 discount program, members can save money on health and wellness products and services. Save on fitness gear, gym memberships, family activities and healthy eating options. Members can also enjoy savings on products and services for dental, vision and hearing. All products are offered by top national and local retailers.
Start shopping with Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois today. Review plan options, get pricing and enroll in a plan that meets your needs.
Whew! That’s a lot to take in. If you have any questions, call us at 855-599-1515.
Originally published 1/28/2015; Revised 2022, 2023
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois, a Division of Health Care Service Corporation,
a Mutual Legal Reserve Company, an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association
© Copyright 2025 Health Care Service Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
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