• Pet Care Equals Pet Power

    Did you know your four-legged friend affects your health? Just owning a pet can improve your overall health and wellness. For instance, a dog can help increase your physical activity. A pet can also reduce stress and even boost your children’s ....
  • Wonder What Your Heart Does During Cardiovascular Exercise?

    Are you a cardio junkie? Maybe you like to run laps at a local track. Or walk a route around your neighborhood. Maybe you test your mettle on a grueling bike ride. Or challenge your endurance on the elliptical. Every one of them will get your heart...
  • Who Packed the Salmonella? Preventing Picnic Pitfalls

    Picnics, pool parties and backyard barbeques make summer fun. Naturally, good food is sure to be a big part of the fun-in-the-sun festivities. But before you get your grill on, remember this important bit of info. Hot temps boost the risk for food...
  • Emotional Health: The Forgiveness Letter

    “As I walked out the door toward the gate that would lead to my freedom, I knew if I didn't leave my bitterness and hatred behind, I'd still be in prison.”Nelson Mandela Forgiveness transforms anger. It's liberating. It frees you from rev...
  • Three Things You May Not Know About Skin Cancer

    Even though skin cancer is the most common cancer, many people don’t think they’re at risk. But everyone needs to protect their skin and pay attention to any changes. Protect Your Skin To protect your skin, you need to know the risks. Man...
  • Dishing on Digital Eyestrain

    Most Americans get about seven hours of sleep each night. So what are we doing with the other 17 hours a day? For many of us, a lot of those hours are spent looking at a screen – and not just computer screens at work. The growing use of smartph....
  • Understanding the Disease that Threatens Female Fertility

    Millions of women suffer with a painful disease that can make intimacy uncomfortable. Now high-profile women are sharing their personal experiences to build awareness about endometriosis. Actress Emma Rovers, Olympic gold medalist Tara Lipinski,...
  • Let's Picnic. I’ll Bring the Beans!

    They’re popular at backyard barbecues and picnics in the park. Whether they’re sweet or spicy, oven-baked or slow-simmered on the stove, beans are tasty fare that pack a healthy punch. Beans are legumes – a super food group that als...
  • Kids’ Healthy Eating Habits Start at Home

    Parents are the perfect influencers when it comes to improving their kids' diet and fitness. Starting good habits early can have positive long-term effects on kids’ health. Wondering where to start? The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) offe....
  • Helping Your Kids Watch What They Eat

    Childhood obesity has tripled in children and teens since the 1970s – and quadrupled in teens. This epidemic is leaving many at risk for adult health problems such as heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, stroke and cancer. One of the best places for....
  • Stop on Red: Reducing Exposure on High Pollution Days

    RED ALERT! When air pollution levels are high, a red alert warns the public of health dangers. Poor air quality is bad for us all. It's an even greater risk for those with breathing issues. Today, a national system reports daily air qualit...
  • Keep Kids Safe from Medication Poisoning

    In every household, there are lots of things that catch the eye of curious kids. Brightly colored pills and can be very tempting. When young children accidentally take prescription or over-the-counter medicines , it can trigger a health emergency...
  • Build Resilience to Manage Stress and Change

    Building mental resilience can help you handle stress and the ups and downs of life. That can lead to improved overall mental and physical health and a better quality of life. Mental resilience is the ability to adapt to change, stressful situations...
  • What You Need to Know About Prostate Cancer Testing

    Prostate cancer is the most common non-skin cancer in American men. But when to get screened for it isn’t an easy decision. Talking with your doctor can help you choose what’s best for you. Testing Recommendations The U.S. Preventive Ser...
  • Movement Snacks Can Help You Live Better and Longer

    If it’s hard for you to find time to get some exercise, there may be a way to make it easier. Think in terms of small bursts of energy, or movement snacks. Start improving your health by adding a few movement snacks to your day. It can make you....