EFT payment for unidentified claim/member

Our skilled nursing facility, The Village at Northrise, received an electronic fund transfer of $3,155.21. There was no EOB with the payment so we can't identify the account/claim it should be posted to. Who can I call for help with identifying the correct patient/member?

NPI: 1194772939

TAX ID#: 522088942

Below is the EFT info provided to me:

TRAN DESC=ACH depositCUST REF=M; TRAN DESC=ACH depositCUST REF=M22304E18999120ORIG CO NAME=BCBS ILLINOISORIG CO ID=5532295400CO ENTRY DESC=HCCLAIMPMTTRACE NO=071000159284673RECEIVER=MA20221031E189991200-1REC ACCT=7528620730REC ID NO=M22304E18999120ORIG CO DD=PAYABLESTD ENTRY CC=CCDTRAN CODE=22CO DESC DATE=SD2010EFF ENTRY DATE=11/01/2022ORIG DFI ID=07100015CHK DIGIT=0REC DFI ID=06500009SETTLEMENT DATE=11/02/2022ADDENDA=TRN*1*M22304E18999120*1731350270*MA20221031E189991200-1194772939\-3155.21
Thank you
Parents Reply
  • I am just a biller in Texas that helped you out.  BCBS of IL did nothing to help you.  They could have come on here and did exactly what I did, but they insisted on you sending them a private message instead of just helping you for months. I searched yesterday, trying to find a solution and saw you were having the same problem as I was.  Why BCBS of IL can not be more helpful is beyond me???????  But you are welcome.  Dealing with these Insurance companies is so tiring! 

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