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Need information about how to contact provider services for questions about member benefits or claims.
Hello. I'm an attorney working with a social worker who is looking to be an in-network provider with BCBS IL. However, this process has taken about 3 months and she has not received any contract from BCBS IL.
Both the provider and I have called around and emailed the various emails provided on the network page. We have not heard back from anyone! Please let me know how I or the provider can talk to a representative live.
Hello, You will want to speak with our Network Operations team about this. You can reach them at 312-653-6555. Please leave a voicemail and they will return your call within two business days. ~ Heather
You can send us a private message by clicking on the blue Private Message box to the right of this message. ~ HC
At what address can I email you a private message?
Hello, Unfortunately I do not have access to this information. However, if you could send us a private message, I can have someone from provider services call you about this. ~ HC
I, need my BCBSIL Number. My Tax ID is 831624891 and my NPI is 1982718151 My address is 5500 Carpenter st, Downers Grove IL 60516 and my name is Janell Hart. I am in network. I have tried for 2 hours to reach someone at BCBSIL but cannot find the right extensions, Could someone on the connect team send me my BCBS number please???? My email address is connected to my account in the connect community, Thanks, Dr Hart
Who can I address my email to?
How do I send a private message?
Hello, If you would like to send us a private message, I can have provider services get in touch with you about this. ~ Heather
Hello, If you would like to send us a private message, I can have provider services get in touch with you about this. ~ Heather
Hello, Unfortunately I do not have access to this information. However, if you could send us a private message, I can have someone from provider services call you about this. ~ HC
I, need my BCBSIL Number. My Tax ID is 831624891 and my NPI is 1982718151 My address is 5500 Carpenter st, Downers Grove IL 60516 and my name is Janell Hart. I am in network. I have tried for 2 hours to reach someone at BCBSIL but cannot find the right extensions, Could someone on the connect team send me my BCBS number please???? My email address is connected to my account in the connect community, Thanks, Dr Hart
Who can I address my email to?
How do I send a private message?
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois, a Division of Health Care Service Corporation,
a Mutual Legal Reserve Company, an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association
© Copyright 2025 Health Care Service Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
Verint is an operating division of Verint Americas, Inc., an independent company that provides and hosts an online community platform for blogging and access to social media for Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois.
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