Review How to Inject Insulin with Your Doctor

Review How to Inject Insulin with Your Doctor

Review How to Inject Insulin with Your Doctor

When, where and how you inject your insulin affects your blood sugar levels.

Whether you are new to injecting insulin or have been injecting insulin for so long that you don’t give it a second thought, it is very important to review the instructions with your doctor or nurse at least once a year and when your treatment changes.

Insulin will only work well if it is injected correctly. Correct use of insulin will help keep your blood sugar level in a normal range so you can stay healthier. Controlling and monitoring your blood sugar is vital in avoiding serious health problems related to diabetes. leaving site icon

When it is time for your injection, remember these important steps:

  • Always have clean hands.
  • Always have a clean and dry injection site.
  • Never use the exact same injection site each time.
  • Never reuse needles.
  • Dispose of used needles properly.

Incorrect time, dose or method of injecting your insulin can make your blood sugar control worse, which can lead to serious health problems.

Each individual’s treatment is different. Be sure to ask your doctor about your specific treatment.

You are not alone in treating your diabetes. We want you to be aware and in control of your health. Make sure you are injecting your insulin safely and effectively.

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