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Even so, meningitis may not be on your radar. Although the risk for meningitis is low (only 0.11 cases per 100,00), it's serious when it strikes. About 10 to 15 percent of those who contract it die from the disease. Among survivors, one in five will have serious, long-term disabilities.
Here’s what you need to know.
Meningitis is inflammation of the fluid and membranes (meninges) around the brain and spinal cord. It is most often caused by a viral infection, but can also be caused by bacterial, parasitic and fungal infections.
Viral cases often improve on their own without treatment. Bacterial meningitis is very serious. It can be fatal within a few days without antibiotic treatment.
One of the reasons the infection is so lethal is because its often mimics common flu-like symptoms, including:
Other tell-tale signs include:
While viral meningitis usually isn’t severe and goes away on its own, bacterial meningitis needs antibiotics. Serious cases may require intensive care. Delayed treatment can increase the risk for permanent brain damage or death. Prompt diagnosis and treatment offers the best chance for complete recovery.
Many forms of meningitis can be prevented with a simple vaccine. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends children and teens get vaccinated.
There isn’t a vaccine for viral meningitis, but you can reduce your risk for infection by washing your hands often. Avoid kissing or sharing drinking glasses and eating utensils with someone who's sick.
If you haven't been vaccinated for meningitis, talk with your doctor. Your care provider can recommend ways to help you stay healthy.
Originally published 9/24/2015; Revised 2023, 2024
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