• NIPT testing

    I’m just wondering if you cover NIPT testing during pregnancy?

  • Expecting a Baby? Check Out Our Maternity Checklist

    Preparing for the arrival of a little one? Congratulations! You probably have a lot on your mind. Choosing baby names and setting up a nursery are likely two of them. Here's another to remember: making the most of your maternity coverage benefits.…

  • non-invasive prenatal testing

    Do you cover non-invasive prenatal testing?  If so, how much?  Is it different between patients with normal pregnancy and patients with high risk pregnancy?

  • RE: How do I get reimbursed for massage

    Thank You. I have one question about the form. Do I mark Preventative? There was no accident, illness or pregnancy.

  • Breast pump

    Hi I have ppo plan so at what week I can order my breast pump and what are the benefits in pregnancy

  • Gestational Diabetes

    When you’re an expecting mom-to-be, you’re focused on getting ready for your little one. You probably pay attention to the foods you eat. You take your prenatal vitamins. You exercise and get plenty of sleep. You do it all to deliver a healthy baby.…

  • I am looking to see what breast pumps are available through our insurance.

    I am looking to see what breast pumps are available through our insurance. How will I be able to avail. I am looking to see if our insurance also covers pregnancy support bands, postpartum recovery clothes, compression stockings, and breast pump accessories…

  • Proper Oral Care for You and Your Baby

    Pregnancy and welcoming a newborn baby are two of the most exciting times in a woman’s life. Along with all the plans and preparations you’re making now, don’t forget to keep up with good dental care. 

    Good prenatal care includes dental…

  • New Baby or Adopting a Child

    I  don't have insurance, but I'm having a baby/adopting a child. What do I do?

    If you didn’t sign up for a health insurance plan during the last open enrollment period, a qualifying life event, such as having a baby or adopting a child means you…